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Communications and Marketing Committee

Mission Statement

The Communications and Marketing Committee (C & M Committee) of the lodge plays an integral role in producing and ensuring professional and consistent messaging across the spectrum of the lodge membership, -- the district, state, and national Elks’ publications, -- as well as to the community at large.  The Chairman of the committee has the responsibility to produce and monitor all communication products and marketing efforts involving all activities of the lodge to ensure they are professional in every aspect of their content and distribution, and meet the quality standards of the Committee, the lodge, its officers, and the various levels of the Elks organization, both internally and to the public. 

The Chairman of the committee retains editorial and review privileges over all lodge communication and marketing products, and the producers of same.  Communication products of the lodge may be, but are not limited to:  The lodge’s Sandpiper Newsletter; The lodge’s web site; The input of content for any District, State, or National Elks communication products, including web sites; Press Releases and other Print Materials; Photos; Content and distribution of E-Mail blasts; Flyers, Posters and other communication products advertising lodge events or soliciting participation in same, printed or otherwise; and other miscellaneous communication and marketing products, as appropriate.

The Chairman of the committee will coordinate any editorial and review actions taken with the affected producer(s), the lodge officers, and other committee chairpersons, as appropriate, and in a timely manner, in order to ensure they approve of the editorial changes; however, at the same time, the Chairman of the C & M Committee has a reasonable expectation that all producers of communication and marketing products, as well as the lodge’s officers, are likewise expected to respond to the Chairman’s requests in a timely manner.  The lodge’s officers will provide the Chairman of the C & M Committee with the resources necessary to execute the mission of the committee.

The Chairman will establish and maintain sound relationships and communication channels with all other lodge committee chairpersons, The lodge’s ER and Officers; -- Fellow District, State, or National Elks’ contacts, -- local press and media contacts, and – others in the community necessary to successfully execute the mission of the Committee. 

As Chairperson of a full and equal lodge committee, the Chairman of the C & M Committee reports to the Exalted Ruler and lodge officers.

Committee Organization Chart

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Contact Us:

Lounge: 910-579-4600

Office: 910-575-8900

Email: Secretary@CalabashElks.Org

Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon​

The Web Team of the Communications & Marketing Committee (c)  2014 - 2024

Contact Us: Email

Lounge Hours:

Monday thru Saturday 12:00 Noon - 9:00 p.m.


During special events the lodge will be open until 10:00 p.m.


Sunday 12:00 Noon - 7:00 p.m. (Bartender's Discretion)


Sunday 12:00 Noon - 8:00 p.m. (During Football season)

(Bartender's Discretion)

Kitchen Hours:

Lunch: Monday, Tuesday,  Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - 12:00 noon - 3:00 p.m.


Monday Night  4:30 - 6:30 p.m.


Tuesday Nights (during Bingo) 5:00 - 6:45 p.m.


Friday Night     4:30 - 7:00 p.m.


Saturday Nights (when entertainment is provided) food served 4:30 - 7:00 p.m.


Sunday and Times other than above - Bar Food Only


© Calabash Elks Lodge 2024

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